Violet Blue

Violet Blue (, @violetblue) is a freelance investigative reporter on hacking and cybercrime at Zero Day/ZDNet, CNET and CBS News, as well as a noted sex columnist. She has made regular appearances on CNN and The Oprah Winfrey Show and is regularly interviewed, quoted, and featured in a variety of publications that includes ABC News and the Wall Street Journal. She has authored and edited award-winning, best selling books in eight translations and has been a sex columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. She has given keynote talks at such conferences as ETech, LeWeb, and the Forbes Brand Leadership Conference, and has given two Tech Talks at Google. In 2010, the London Times named Blue one of “40 bloggers who really count.” Ms. Blue is the author of The Smart Girl's Guide to Privacy. Violet Blue bio courtesy of TTI Vanguard.